Dobcast Media

Podcast, Video & Tech News Divison
Dobcast includes: a network of podcasts a premium content YouTube channel and a tech news division, in spanish
We are the house of Comfort & Arbitrariness.
Our Podcasts
Montevideo No
MVD NO is a weekly podcast hosted by Miguel Dobrich.
Vera Basket Audio
VB is a weekly NBA podcast hosted by Carlos Tanco.
Deep Sh*t
Deep Sh*t is a monthly podcast hosted by Salvador Banchero.
Zoom in
Montevideo No
WTF meets Nerdist, in spanish! Have a laugh and get to know the spanish and portuguese speaking world with guests from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, España, Israel, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, New Zealand & USA.
Serious sh*t
Deep Sh*t
The spanish-argentinian-uruguayan journalist, Salvador Banchero (Justicia Infinita, Direct TV´s En Escena, Sun Channel's Pasajero en Trance), host Deep Sh*t, a podcast that focuses on Heavy Sh*t (like Death, Love and Star Wars).
Vera basket
Carlos Tanco -the greatest comedian in Uruguay- host the best NBA podcast of the World (in spanish). His co-hosts have been: future hall of famer, Tato López, and Martín Osimani.
Coming Soon...
Mobile video letters from all over the world. Hosts: Miguel Dobrich y Salvador Banchero.
PKN Podcast
Do you know TED's podcasts? If you do, you will love PKN Podcast. Pecha Kucha (ペチャクチャ?) is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total). The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights. PKN Podcast will share the best presentations, from different fields, in audio.
Download Audiocuentos and enjoy it on your Android, iPhone, iPad or iPod touch: 12 cuentos leídos por sus autores o grandes textos leídos por invitados de lujo.
Dobcast's Podcast Audience:
- 46% women, 54% men.
- Segmentation: 25-34 years old (33,5%), 18-24 (27,5%) and
35-44 (15,5%).
Confort & Arbitrariedad
Video Shows
Vera Basket. A monthly show that you can watch on demand on Vera+.
Perché Mi Piace. TV show and movie recommendations, to watch now or later on your favourite video on demand platform. #cordcutting
El Norte es el Sur is a show where the viewer gets an opportunity to sit in on a private, interesting conversation about, music, life, and craft with key latinamerican musicians.
El Norte es el Sur, vol. II
El Norte es el Sur, vol. I
YouTube´s Audience
I) 25-34 (38,9%)
II) 35-44 (30,9%)
III) 18-24 (12,7%).
Currently in Development
Divino Tesoro
Our Divine Treasures: conversations with outstanding elderly people that live in Latin America

No benjamins
Without advertising budget
Working only with social media, we have developed a "boutique" but active audience (+166K) from:

1) Uruguay
2) USA
3) Spain
4) Argentina
5) Mexico
6) U.K.
7) Brazil
8) Irleland
9) Colombia
10) Guatemala

*On Youtube we have 803 followers and more than 52K views
Our sponsors
Zoom in
Altavista Lab & Trend y Mytho Eyewear
Are El Norte es el Sur's sponsors.
Is Vera Basket's sponsor.
Claro Video and Claro Música
Have been the main sponsors of Perché Mi Piace and Montevideo No
Dobcast's Tech News Division
#technews #latam
Amenaza Roboto
Amenaza Roboto is a platform that provides Latin American and global science & tech news, podcasts and videos for techies and business people that need to upgrade from analog to digital, in spanish.
"Investment in science, technology and innovation is essential for economic development and social progress". UNESCO
"Until now (In LATAM and the Caribbean) the new technologies are mostly used for personal consumption rather than production". In CEPAL's statement lies a niche and a need.
Latin America doesn't have a Recode, TechCrunch nor a The Verge
The Stars & Standouts of the region do a poor journalistic job.
"I don't think I follow any Latam outlets. To interest me, they would have to present local content, or a particular perspective, and not just a more or less direct translation of what is published in the US".
Luisa Pereira Hors
Artist, engineer and musician.
Her practice explores new ways of engaging with music (
"I don't see much value in reading replicas in Spanish. As a creator of technologies, I need media to position my brand, sell and raise capital associated with a venture. On the other hand, as a consumer of content, I would be interested in close ups alla Dobcast: technology profiles that can tell you about a man's or woman's journey and their vision of the future".
Gabriel López
Co-Founder and former CEO of SouthLabs. Co-Founder and CEO of OrangeLoops (
"In tech development (especially R&D, my field of work), having access to what's happening in the region is fundamental. In the company where I work we lost the possibility of doing a big project with a local company as a consequence of the lack of landscape information".
Alberto Canabal
Master in Computer Science, specialized in critical systems from the Paris Diderot University, France. Ikatu (
Was created to solve this problems.
Miguel Ángel Dobrich
Founder and Director of Amenaza Roboto & CEO of Dobcast
Natalia Arralde
Executive Editor of Amenaza Roboto
(NHK, TNU, CNN, Al Jazeera, El País)
Salvador Banchero
Co-founder of Amenaza Roboto
(Justicia Infinita, Direct TV's En Escena, Sun Channel's Pasajero En Trance)
Eduardo Mangarelli
Co-founder & Tech Compass of Amenaza Roboto
(CTO Microsoft LATAM)
Apart from contributing to the dissemination of iberoamerican scientific and technological work, Amenaza Roboto fosters cross-pollination, and comprises a valuable archive that does not exist elsewhere
In you will find interviews with key tech players, in-depth features, nuggets of information, video and audio on demand shows
(Brief Selection)
Nicolás Loeff. AI + Machine Learning + Fintech
Giannina Segnini. Data and Predictive Journalism + AI + Machine Learning
Raúl Garreta. Data Mining + Text Mining + Machine Learning
Javier Preciozzi. Biometrics
Ana Matrán Fernández. Brain-Computer Interface
Pablo Lanillos. Robotics + AI
Marta Peirano. Data & Internet Security
Manuel Febrero Bande. Medicine + Big Data
Arturo Campos Fentanes. Math + Li-Fi
In-depth Features
At Amenaza Roboto we are aware that our markets need regional information but we also have to analyze the impact of Asian, European and American developments in the South.
China: El nuevo sheriff de la Inteligencia Artificial
¿Por qué debería importar esto en Latinoamérica?
El primer gran obstáculo para el Big Data
Nuggets of Information
XS Content
More audio on-demand, baby
#TechNews #Science #LATAM #Iberoamérica
Dobcast is a network of podcasts and a premium content YouTube channel. We've launched our tech news division on May. Explore Amenaza Roboto:
Follow Dobcast on iTunes, SoundCloud, TuneIn, Medium and YouTube.
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